For weekly chart
master calculator has 52 weeks.
For weekly time frame or chart square of 52 = 52x52 = 2704 hrs, days ,weeks,months.
= 386 weeks, 2 days
=7yrs,5 months
=90 months
=7and half years cycle
This count should be done from significant high or low , these are the place where trend change can be happen.
When we use hrs square of 52 = 2704 hrs= 112days
Square of 52 composed of 7 days period , 7 and 3 are important factor for trend change
Time should be counted from Actual date of high and low.
Calculator is 104 weeks wide which is equal to 2 yrs.
52x2= 104= 2yrs
52x4= 4yrs
52x6= 312= 6yrs
52x8=416= 8yrs
52x10=520=10 yrs
Division of time period, total time period / 2 or 3
in yearly time frame 26, 32and half ,35 weeks most important for trend change.
39 weeks , 45and half and 52 weeks are most important for trend change.
Note : here angle should be added for trend change.
7 days are important for trend change.
Multiple of 7 also add important value for trend change.
such as 7x7= 49
1/8th of 365= 45 days
1/16of 365 = 23 days
Next important days such as 63= 7x9, 81= 9x9, 90 days, 182 days , 1/3 of year, 1/4th of year,1/2 year 1/8 year also imporant for trend change.
Most important time period for trend change:
1,2,3 year from any tops or bottoms
While working with weekly time frame look for 3 yrs, 5yrs,7 yrs, 10 yrs cycle for trend change.
3, 5 are also important for trend change, days,weeks, months,years.